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Ahead of the Energy White Paper and the interim report of the Net Zero review this Autumn, nearly 100 businesses across manufacturing, retail, property, transport, professional services and the public sector shared their views shared with us their views on the net zero target, where they are in their own net zero journey and the support they want to see from the government to aid the transition.

Your Business Blueprint - The road to Net Zero was submitted to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Treasury to provide guidance on what UK organisations want to see.

Here's a summary of what they said


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The Blueprint

Businesses are optimistic about
achieving net zero by 2050


83% believe net zero is a benefit that will deliver:

  • Greater operational long term resiliency
  • Cost savings
  • Reduced carbon emissions
  • A positive impact on reputation

38 percent agreed that the top benefit would be greater long-term operational resiliency through saving money and reducing carbon emissions.

20 percent said it would have a positive impact on their reputation among peers, clients and employees

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The Policy Zone

Businesses are calling for a
clearer roadmap to net zero


Nearly two thirds (64%)
already have a clear and
realistic plan to hit
net zero emissions ahead of 2050

36 percent do not yet feel clear on the role businesses will play in helping the UK to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.


75% believe net zero
emissions by 2050 is an
achievable target

However, this leaves a significant minority of one in four do that not believe it is realistic.


Only a third (37%)
feel confident that the government will
develop a realistic plan to achieve
net zero emissions by 2050.

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The Tech Zone

Businesses are already
planning to invest in on-site
generation, smart energy
management systems
electric vehicles as part of their
emissions reduction strategies.

Over 50 percent of businesses have already invested in some form of on-site renewable generation

22 percent are planning to invest in on-site generation

44% are also looking at electric vehicles as part of their energy strategy.

Nearly 50% are consindering smart energy management systems.

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The Funding Zone

Almost 50% of businesses are concerned about the potential additional cost to their business associated with the net zero transition.

When we asked our respondents who should contribute the majority of the funding for the net zero transition, there was a split between the government and large, energy intensive industries.

Financial institutions were also ranked highly, mirroring the growing trend for investment firms and banks to move away from fossil fuels to finance more sustainable alternatives.

Businesses recognise that there will be some obligation for them to contribute to the net zero transition.

A third of businesses (32%) recognised that there would be some level of general taxation.

Nearly one in four (23%) believed it should form part of their existing climate obligations.

38 percent agreed that the top benefit would be greater long-term operational resiliency through saving money and reducing carbon emissions.

Businesses want to see more incentives and grants for sustainability initiatives announced in the forthcoming Energy White Paper, Consumer Spending Review and Net Zero Review.

Funding Sources

When it comes to funding projects:

  • 58% of businesses use their own capital expenditure
  • One in five (22%) partner with a specialist funder
  • 10% use a business loan
Blueprint Mockup

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Click below to read the full 'Your Business Blueprint - The road to Net Zero' report.

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